Monday, April 5, 2010

A major change...

It occurred to me this morning, that I have undergone a significant change since last year, when I fist attempted to lose weight. It didn't happen then, but sometime between February and this morning, my attitude toward food has changed, and it has made all the difference.

I no longer look at food the same as I used to. It's no longer something I do to replace anything I am missing, as my main source of pleasure, or as a crutch for feeling down. Food has become, while enjoyable, merely something I do to fuel my body. I now find myself stopping to think about when I ate last, and it's in the manner of someone looking at a fuel gauge.

Don't get me wrong, if I miss a meal, I do get hungry, but I no longer find myself reaching for the pretzels, or going to the kitchen out of boredom as I once did. It makes all the difference. Last year, I lost a lot of weight with weight watchers, and did so quickly. However, each and every pound was a struggle. I would spend hours wishing I had more points to use, going to bed early to drown out thoughts of food, and generally being pretty miserable. This weight loss since February has been effortless in comparison.

Somewhere along this journey, I changed the way I look at and interact with food. I don't know how or why I did it, but I am glad I did.

1 comment:

  1. That's the best way to look at food, and really the only way we will keep the weight off! SOME days I have that healthy attitude towards food... but I really have a long way to go... I still crave things, or am tempted by stuff just because it taste good. I don't run to the fridge from boredom though like I used to- hardly ever :)
    You are doing great!
