Friday, October 1, 2010

Weight Loss lessons I have learned....

-There is no magic weight loss secret. You have to eat right, and you have to exercise. Details are up to you, but you must do those two things to reclaim your health.

-No one tool will take you to your goal. As you lose weight, your formula for success will change with your body.

-Tired, sick, hurt, it doesn't matter. Get off your ass and do the work! Unless you need a hospital bed, suck it up and knock out a workout, even a modified one! five minutes beats no minutes. Skipping leads to failure!

-Less cardio, more strength training. Muscle burns more calories than flab, so by gaining more muscle, you are ratcheting up your weight loss game. Cardio has its place, but it also burns muscle if you do too much of it.

-Enjoy the pain. When you put on those pants from ten years ago, it will be worth it!

-Nobody can lose this weight except you. You ate yourself near to death, you have to travel the road back, one weary, blistering step at a time.

-Change things up! If you get bored with your workout, you WILL find reasons not to do it.

-Walk away from the damn carbs! They are poisoning you, and sapping your strength! For that matter, keep walking. Do 5k, then we'll talk about some bread with your meal.

-Food is fuel. Enjoy it, but be sensible. All those processed food products are doing you more harm than good. You might as well drink drain cleaner, it would be a faster way to die. Real meat, real vegetables, real fruit, real seeds and nuts. Leave the sugar and grains on the ground for the animals you want to fatten up for winter.