Saturday, May 29, 2010

Big step, unexpected....

I broke 305lbs. I have been stuck between 310 and 305 for sooo long! Pulled out the scale, just to see how I was doing today. 304.2 lbs! Cutting processed carbs is working. I've been really trying hard the last couple days. I had noticed I wasn't feeling as hungry without them, but hadn't really thought about the weight loss aspect of it.

12 oz coffee with raw sugar/stevia
1/4 oz cheese

6 oz london broil
6 slices bacon
3 cups green beans

2 scoops maple walnut ice cream(I have been dying for ice cream the last week. Rather than buy some, I had some while we were out, so I wouldn't be tempted.)

1/2 slice bacon
1 oz london broil


  1. Congrats Byron, way to go. Sometimes when we ignore the scale and concentrate on what we are eating it will show in our favor. Sometimes too we just hit a plateau and need a kick start to get off of it. I've been hanging around the 280 mark for awhile now so I'm going to evaluate what I am eating and see if there is a pattern there that needs to be broken. Again, good work on the loss.

  2. That's wonderful, Byron. I am trying to break through at the moment, also. I think I will try to be more conscious about the processed stuff, too. Maybe it will work for me, too.

  3. Great Job Byron!!!! And that's a good idea about the ice cream too, so it's not in the house.
