Monday, March 15, 2010

Well, not so much progress today...

I didn't sleep last night. I mean, at all. Not a second. Stayed up all night. Had a meeting at 11:30 this morning. Now, I am not a breakfast person, but my meeting didn't get done until after 1, then I had stuff to take care of...what it comes down to is, I didn't eat breakfast, I didn't eat lunch, now I don't want to eat dinner. Too much stress, not enough sleep=no appetite for Byron. Blech.

12 oz coffee, with raw sugar.


ham sandwich on wheat bread(4 oz ham)
12 El Sabrosos Salsitas chips
1/2 cup salsa
1 small mandarin orange
1 Met RX Meal Replacement bar

Evening snack
2 small mandarin oranges
1 large banana
1/2 oz summer sausage

Week three, Day one of


  1. Hey Byron, I'm proud of you for remembering to post today. Now I would be even prouder if you didn't skip meals. I know how easy that is to do, especially when one is stressed out but the body goes into starvation mode when we skip meals and turns everything we eat into fat. Please try to eat regular meals and if you can't have something handy to snack on. Even a protien bar is better than nothing at all.

  2. Hello Byron! Glad you joined Tessa's challenge. I am excited, I think it will be fun :)
    It is very hard for me to eat breakfast, but I am trying to do better. Even if it's a glass of orange juice. I also bought different cereal and granola bars to help me grab something quick in the mornings.
    I'm sorry you didn't have a great Monday, I hope you got some sleep last night and today is better!!!

  3. Yeah Monday is over! Now you can have a GREAT Tuesday!
