Friday, March 19, 2010

Sick kid

No chance to eat anything so far today. My daughter came home sick from school, so no chance to head downstairs for food, just taking care of her. Hopefully she'll feel a little better soon, so I can grab something quick.

Had some coffee when I first got up, was about to get food, but no luck.

8 oz coffee with raw sugar(didn't get to finish my cup).

HA! Ran downstairs, grabbed an apple! The wife should be home soon, maybe I'll get a break then. Daughter is almost asleep though, so maybe even sooner.

Finally! Mom's home, and I have 2 cups Texas Chicken soup, a carb free turkey sandwich, 1 cup carrots, 1 large mandarin.

Ok, a few more hours, and I had the chance to grab
two more large mandarins, and a MetRx meal replacement bar. At east things are spaced out nicely today. We ARE supposed to eat several small meals, right? lol...


  1. Oh no. I'm sorry, I hope she feels better!!! You should really try to eat SOMETHING, you won't be any good to her if you get sick too! Hang in there!

  2. Sorry your daughter is sick. Hope she feels better soon. Poor thing. Sorry you had such a rough day eating wise..

  3. Hope your daughter feels better soon. It's sometimes hard to take care of ourselves when our family needs us. You will get back on track and at least you found time to post.

  4. Yeah, I did some one handed typing while holding her in my lap. I hope she feels better tomorrow.
