Friday, May 21, 2010

Another day, some more calories...

But first, an article from Scientific American. Good news for the Primal advocates out there....
No breakfast today. Still not quite up to snuff, though much better than yesterday.

12 oz coffee with raw sugar
3 hamburger buns
2 cups sloppy joe

1 cup dry roasted peanuts
1 small apple

1 hamburger bun
5 slices dry salami
1 oz cheddar
1 slice swiss
1/2 tortilla

I do notice I have gotten sloppy about carbs again. It's proving very difficult to reverse 30 years of eating habits, primarily because carbs are so EASY to use. Ah well. A work in progress. Gotta tighten up on that again, I'm sure, now that I think about it, that it has a lot to do with my recent insomnia.

1 comment:

  1. Good morning Byron. I totally understand about the carbs. If we have bread in the house, no matter what kind, it is a disaster looking to happen. It is so easy to use them and get the feel good feeling. One taste and you're hooked on the carbs again, and it is not easy to stop. Our answer is to not keep bread products in the house. If we decide we would like a sandwich or toast for a change we actually go out and have them. Then the temptation is not there. An order of toast at the restuarant keeps us honest and there is no chance of sneaking an extra slice when the munchies come crawling. It was extreme withdrawal in the beginning but now it has actually become a way of life. Hang in there you can do it!!! Hope you get to feeling better soon.
